Should I Let Alcohol and Cannabis Mix?

Should I Let Them Mix❓Ethanol + Cannabis⁉️

Some key things to consider before combining alcohol with marijuana consumption:

🍺Alcohol is a commonly used depressant that can be fatal at high doses! Consuming alcohol impairs motor skills and memory formation❌

☘️Marijuana is a psychoactive cannabinoid that can also impair motor skills and memory formation. Marijuana use is legal in numerous states🚔

⏫When a user consumes Alcohol and Marijuana together, the sum of the effects are often slightly greater than the parts of either drug alone. However, the effects add together, unlike many other recreational drug mixes which tend to cause multiplied effects🙂

🧐A significant risk is worsened self perception of how much of each drug a user has already consumed. Even experienced users of either drug in isolation may find it hard to judge whether to consume more after mixing the two🤷🏼‍♀️

⏳This is because if marijuana is consumed before alcohol, it can slow the absorption of alcohol, delaying alcohol’s effects. As a result, the user may consume too much alcohol before experiencing its desired effects🤮

🥴If Alcohol is consumed before Marijuana, it increases absorption of THC, leading to stronger overall effects. Judging the relative effects of each drug may be less difficult in this case, even though effects will still be stronger 🧠


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