Does Cocaine Shorten Lifespan?

Does Cocaine Shorten Lifespan?

❄️🤨Cocaine keeps the nervous system active by extending the activity of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. In the brain, this causes euphoria, increased energy, and mental alertness🚨

🫀😓Cocaine use can contribute to several life-threatening heart conditions including: heart attacks, heart failure, and heart disease. Additionally, Cocaine use can lead to the development of abnormal heart rhythms, high blood pressure, and coronary spasms. Each of these factors contribute to a long-term risk of heart attack and heart failure❌

🏃💪Cocaine use also significantly decreases appetite which leads to problems with metabolic functioning and hormone signaling. This change in metabolism and hormones can result in long-term effects including eating disorders, metabolic syndrome, psychological conditions, and even cognitive problems, like learning and memory deficits🧠

💤Chronic cocaine use also impacts sleep duration and quality due to its effects on dopamine transmission. Sleep deprivation and lack of good sleep has a significant negative impact on life expectancy and overall health⚕️

❤️⚠️Overdose from cocaine use has become an increasingly dramatic problem. The majority of cocaine sold on the street is cut with another substance, such as Fentanyl, which is highly toxic. The DEA reported a 5,067% increase in “drug poisoning” deaths from cocaine mixed with another drug between 2010-2018. Always test your drugs for Fentanyl with TACO’s test strips. Order them for free on Duffl or DM us for more information❣️

MC Mitchener

Researcher at TACO Inc.

B.S. Neuroscience


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