Why am I Hungover? Xanax

Why am I Hungover? Xanax

🧘Alprazolam (aka Xanax) is a nervous system depressant in the benzodiazepine drug class. Xanax is prescribed to treat anxiety disorders. The standard prescription dose for Xanax is 0.25-0.5 mg (aka an eighth to a quarter of a “bar” of Xanax)❌

🧠Xanax has sedative effects and decreases anxiety. It is sleep-inducing and produces feelings of drowsiness. It can also be prescribed as a muscle relaxer or as an anticonvulsant (to prevent seizures)💤

💊Xanax binds to receptors in the brain for the neurotransmitter GABA, which works to decrease brain activity. Xanax causes relaxation by increasing GABA activity in the brain📉

😬Tolerance to Xanax develops very quickly; with continued use, more Xanax is needed to feel the same effects. In this way, Xanax has a high potential for dependency and abuse👀

🏃‍♂️Since tolerance to Xanax happens so quickly, withdrawal symptoms are very common. The day after taking Xanax, many users feel even more anxious than before taking Xanax. Other withdrawal symptoms include depression, insomnia, irritability, rapid heart rate, weakness, nausea, and vomiting🤢

🥑Magnesium can help diminish feelings of anxiety that occur following Xanax use. You can take supplements before bed or the next day. Alternatively, foods high in magnesium include avocado, spinach, almonds, and dark chocolate🍫

🫀A rapid heart rate often follow Xanax use, which increases feelings of anxiety. Anxiety also tends to increase heart rate. To stop this loop consciously lowering your own heart rate: quickly breathe in twice in a row without exhaling between (aka double inhale), then after breathe out slowly. Repeat this 1-3x to lower your heart rate after 30 seconds🫁

⚡️In cases of heavy and long term Xanax use, seizures and psychotic episodes are also possible withdrawal symptoms. For those in this situation, talk to your doctor about safe ways to stop using Xanax👩‍⚕️

🍸Mixing Xanax with other depressants, such as alcohol, is very dangerous and can lead to overdose and death☠️

Madison Minear

Researcher at TACO Inc.

B.S. Global Health

Emergency Medical Technician


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