What Even Are Roofies?

What even is that? Roofies

🛌💊Flunitrazepam is the generic name for Rohypnol, aka “Roofies.” Roofies are in the benzodiazepine class of drugs, meaning they’re depressants that create feelings of relaxation. Roofies are also referred to as the Date Rape Drug, Roche 2, Circle, Rope, and Forget Me🤷📈

⬇️🥱Roofies are found in 1 or 2 mg tablets which produce significant sedative effects. The lethal dose is estimated to be 30-60mg. Roofies take effect within 15-30 minutes of consumption and their effects last for 12 hours. If combined with alcohol, their effects can last 24 hours or more☠️🪦

🍹😬Recreationally, Roofies are used as a date rape drug because their sedative effects onset quickly and last for a long time. In this setting, it is often placed into people’s drinks who then unknowingly ingest the drug. Roofies may either be a white tablet or a green pill. The white tablets dissolve clear in liquid, however the green pills will dissolve into a blue color. If your drink is suddenly blue and it did not start out that way, it was probably roofied!🥶👎🏽

🇺🇸❌ Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) has never been legally manufactured, prescribed, or sold in the US, but it has been illegally circulated since the 1990s. This is possible because it is licensed for use in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. Medically, it is used as a sedative and as temporary treatment for insomnia👀😴

🧠👤In the body, the drug is absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and the liver creates the major metabolites from it. These then penetrate the blood-brain barrier rather quickly and bind to GABA receptors. GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain, which then produces the sedative effects. Peak effects happen 30-90 minutes after ingestion and can last up to 12 hours⏱⏳

👎🏽😨The risks of use are sedation, confusion, impaired motor coordination, forgetfulness, and breathing depression. The effects of the drug are already very rapid, but when combined with other depressant drugs such as alcohol, the effects happen even quicker and last even longer🥂💨

Sarah VanLoh

Researcher at TACO Inc.

B.S. Neuroscience


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