Max Reed

Director of Distribution

Max initially joined TACO’s research team out of a desire to rectify the utter lack of accurate information that young adults receive about the effects of drug use on their brains. After spending more time with TACO, Max decided to utilize his background in entrepreneurship to help scale the distribution team’s operations. As Director of Distribution, Max oversees TACO’s fentanyl test strip distribution channels at 12 universities along the west coast and across the midwest with an eye on expansion.

Max is a 4th-year undergraduate pursuing a bachelor’s in Neuroscience with a minor in Entrepreneurship at the University of Southern California. Beyond his work at TACO, Max works in a basic science research laboratory where he studies the interactions between immunology and neuro-oncology.

Kameran Mody

Director of Materials

Having witnessed TACO’s immediate impact on his peers, Kameran joined our team to continue reducing the stigma around honest conversations about drug use. In his role as Director of Materials, Kameran is working to expand TACO’s free Fentanyl test strip resources to schools across the US this year.

Kameran is a 2nd year undergraduate studying Biomedical Engineering at the University of Southern California.

TACO’s Distribution Team

They’re who’s getting Fentanyl test strips to where you are when you need them.

  • Jinah Kim


  • Janessa Contreras


  • Mia Maginn


  • Sophie Pollack


  • Vik Elaiyavalli