
Team Awareness Combating Overdose

The Team’s mission is to combat drug overdoses among young adults by building a peer-to-peer culture of well-informed decisions with comprehensive access to neutral, scientific data and subsidized tools to keep each other safe.


Backed by Science.

TACO is foremost an educational organization grounded in science. We share research, not rumors. Everything TACO produces has a scientifically defensible source straight from neuroscientists, psychologists, and sociologists.

Up to You.

We believe that traditional drug “education” has failed young adults through bias and denial, and that supporting informed decision making is the best path to harm reduction. TACO exists to educate people, not tell them how to live.

Reducing Harm.

TACO provides subsidized and rapid access to Fentanyl Test Strips. These tests show if a drug has been contaminated with fentanyl, a highly lethal drug. Using these tests saves lives and decreases strain on Emergency Medical Services (EMS).



We do not believe that drug use or addiction are moral issues. Most people in our society have used drugs - anything from alcohol to marijuana to psychedelics. Because of this reality, to characterize illicit drug users as “bad people” would be hypocritical.

Reducing the Stigma.

TACO encourages young adults to #TACOboutit when it comes to drug use. The more we can have honest conversations about the facts of drug use, the more people can feel comfortable reaching out for help if they need it.

501(c)3 Verified.

All donations are tax deductible under IRC Section 170. Team Awareness Combating Overdose (TACO) Inc. is registered with the US Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service as a Tax-Exempt organization.



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Kind words from @tacoinc_ followers