Should I Let Alcohol and MDMA Mix?


Some key things to consider before combining Alcohol with MDMA use:

🍺Alcohol is a commonly used depressant which can be fatal at high doses. Consuming alcohol impairs motor skills and memory formation. Alcohol decreases blood flow to the brain and diminishes overall brain activity❌

⚡️MDMA is an amphetamine-based stimulant with potential psychedelic effects. MDMA causes significant release of the brain’s serotonin and dopamine stores, leading to short-term euphoria for the duration of 4 hours🕺

⏬⏫Because alcohol is a depressant and MDMA is a stimulant, consuming the two together can cover up alcohol’s subjective effects. This can make it easy for a user to drink too much without realizing how intoxicated they are🙂

💧A major risk of MDMA and Alcohol taken together is is severe dehydration. Alcohol and MDMA both cause the body to shed fluids, yet MDMA also stimulates functions like heart rate. This extreme dehydration can lead to organ failure and even death💀

👊The research also suggests that this combination causes significantly more oxidative stress - and thus likely results in significantly more cell death - compared to either drug alone. This includes nerve cells in the brain, and the cells of other vital organs like the heart and liver😵🫀

🥴When taken together, both drugs work to significantly impair memory. “Blackouts” are much more common if using MDMA with Alcohol than when using Alcohol alone. Keep this in mind in addition to their easily toxic effects on brain function🧠

Madison Minear

Researcher at TACO Inc.

B.S. Global Health

Emergency Medical Technician


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