What is Cannabis?

What Even is Cannabis?

🥦Cannabis, or “weed” is a depressant, stimulant, and mildly psychedelic plant containing the psychoactive compounds THC and CBD. 5000 years ago, the drug’s first use was traced to the application of Cannabis extracts for pain relief in China🍃

🌬Studies have shown that inhaling or ingesting 2-8mg of THC is enough to experience intoxicating effects. However, since strains vary in their concentrations of THC and CBD, it is difficult to establish a universal standard dose. It is known, however, that the higher the THC concentration is, the lower the CBD concentration will be and visa versa📊

🤯The effects of cannabis are highly dependent on the dosage. Positive effects with mild doses include a relaxed state, or “high” feeling. At moderate doses, memory impairment may occur. Some adverse symptoms of extreme doses can consist of anxiety or even psychosis🧠

🚗THC impacts perceptual, cognitive and psychomotor functions, therefore impairing tasks such as driving. In fact, Cannabis is the most commonly detected drug in traffic incidents, more than even alcohol 🚑

🍬There are a variety of methods to consume Cannabis. From the least to most physically harmful, they include edibles, vaporizing, vaping, and smoking. Often, the percentage of THC in oils that are vaped can be almost twice the concentration as the THC in flowers that are smoked. A vaporizer is different from a vape, because it does not burn THC concentrate liquid. Vaporizers heat Cannabis plant matter using hot air without lighting it, which separates the THC vapor from toxic products of combustion🔥

🤕Cannabis abuse is more frequent in users with mental illness. Additionally, users under the age of 24 who heavily use THC are 2-4 times more likely to develop Schizophrenia. Different strains of Cannabis can lead to different psychological symptoms, but CBD has been shown to protect from psychosis that THC may cause👀

😫About 20% of users experience Cannabis Withdrawal. Symptoms range from a decreased appetite, irritability, anxiety, depressed mood, or sleep disturbances💤


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