Does MDMA Shorten Lifespan?


💊MDMA, aka Ecstasy or Molly, is an amphetamine that works by drastically increasing serotonin’s concentration in the brain. As a result, low dose users may experience impairments in memory, attention and decision making. Fatal outcomes of MDMA use are rare. However, high doses above 120mg can lead to neurotoxicity, which looks like uncontrolled movement, confusion, a clenched jaw, and/or an irregular heartbeat💓🩺

📈With frequent use, MDMA may affect the body in various ways. When overused, MDMA causes damage to the mitochondria - the powerhouse of the cell. Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with many diseases including Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. When combined with alcohol, these power down effects of MDMA are exacerbated🍸

🤕MDMA specifically damages your nerves and your liver. For people under 25, MDMA is a major cause of liver injury. In addition, frequent MDMA use may lead to damaged tissues in areas such as the heart, kidney, or testes❤️

☀️Even below lethal doses, death may occur during MDMA use due to accidental circumstances. Consuming MDMA in a hot environment and forgetting to drink water can result in death by dehydration. Studies have found that in these circumstances, MDMA can also cause your body to become so overheated that the user may not survive❄️

🧠Long-term MDMA use can lead to psychiatric disorders. Since frequent use empties your brain’s serotonin stores, overuse of MDMA may lead to impaired impulse control and/or psychotic episodes😟

Jack Elliott

Researcher at TACO Inc.

B.S. Computational Neuroscience


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