What is Ketamine?

What Even is Ketamine?

😴Ketamine is a dissociative type of analgesic (pain reliever). Due to its ability to induce a trance-like state, ketamine is most commonly used medically as an anesthetic. Users of ketamine experience impaired cognition, a decreased responsiveness to their environment, and alterations in sleep and appetite🌮

👩‍⚕️Medical doses of ketamine are typically around 2 mg per kilogram of the patient’s weight. For example, a person who weighs 150 pounds would take about a 135 mg dose. The medical dose is enough to dissociate the user from person, place, and time⏰

📈When ketamine is used recreationally, it tends to be taken at much higher doses than the medical amount. Users who consume ketamine orally will often take a recreational dose of around 200-300 mg. If ketamine is inhaled, the dose can typically range from anywhere between 60-250 mg👃

💊Abusing ketamine can lead to mental and bodily issues. In the short term, ketamine can cause problems with attention, learning, and memory, as well as increased blood pressure and heart rate. It can be especially dangerous if ketamine use is combined with other drugs, such as alcohol or xanax. In the long term, abusing ketamine can cause ulcers, kidney problems, and depression🤯🩸

🧠Users of ketamine can develop a tolerance, which means they must consume greater quantities to experience the same effects. A tolerance can be very dangerous, as it can create an imbalance in the user’s brain. Extended use of ketamine can also lead to symptoms of withdrawal📉


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