Should I Let LSD and MDMA Mix?


Some key things to consider before combining MDMA with LSD consumption:

🔬Very few scientific studies have evaluated the effects of mixing MDMA with LSD - commonly known as a “candy flip” or “kandi flip.” The following information reflects a thorough investigation of the latest research but may not tell a complete story. Why? See our previous post: Why Do We Not Talk About Drugs?🗣

⚡️MDMA is an amphetamine-derived stimulant with potential psychedelic effects, which it shares with LSD - a strong psychedelic. Both drugs activate 5-HT Serotonin receptors in the brain, but MDMA uses up the brain’s stored serotonin to accomplish this while LSD merely imitates serotonin🧠

🕺Ravers and partygoers typically use MDMA for the subjective feelings of euphoria, interpersonal connection, and energy that it creates. To avoid negative short term effects of use, a user should drink plenty of water and be conscious of overheating, as MDMA causes increased body temperature and heart rate. Taking Vitamins B, E, Magnesium and 5-HTP before and after MDMA use may help to decrease “come down” symptoms🥵

👓LSD users typically experience distorted visual perceptions, including seeing more vivid colors. LSD-related deaths are primarily a result of trauma caused by impaired judgement and perception, but there has never been a case of fatal LSD overdose🚑

💣Mixing MDMA and LSD can often multiply the effects of both drugs to be much greater than their individual baselines⏫

♻️MDMA and LSD are both primarily removed from the body by the liver. In the body, both drugs can cause rapid heart rate, increased body temp, and elevated blood pressure. Understanding dosage is important to avoid large or rapid changes in these vitals - which have the potential to become dangerously distorted during use🏥

😶While it is possible to overdose on MDMA, use with LSD is not known to make overdose more likely. Immediate risk factors of using MDMA remain to be overheating or accidental consumption of other drugs like fentanyl, which are frequently mixed with MDMA. Always test your drugs before deciding whether to use!⚠️


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