Should MDMA and Shrooms Mix?

Should MDMA and Shrooms Mix?

Some key things to consider before combining MDMA and Shrooms:

💊MDMA (aka Molly or Ecstasy) is a powerful stimulant with mild psychedelic effects. MDMA causes the release of serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline in the brain. This causes the pleasurable effects associated with MDMA. Some of the effects of MDMA include increased energy, connectivity with others, joy, jaw clenching, and muscle tremors😬

🍄Psilocybin (aka Shrooms) is a hallucinogen that mimics serotonin at certain receptors in the brain. The effects of shrooms include euphoria, changes in perception of colors and movement, altered perception of sounds, and increased mental flexibility🤩

🤔Although studies on the physiological effects of combining MDMA and Shrooms have not yet been conducted, based on available data TACO Inc’s Team of neuroscience researchers hypothesize the following:

📈Combined use could extend the duration of MDMA’s effects. This may occur because the typical dose of Shrooms act on serotonin receptors over 6-8 hours, allowing the heightened serotonin release caused by MDMA to be potentiated over a greater time period without consuming more MDMA🧠

💃 Since Shrooms have not been shown to be toxic to the body’s vital organs, it is unlikely this combination would cause any more damage to the heart or liver than MDMA use alone (see our MDMA post for details on MDMA toxicity). If Shrooms increase the duration of MDMA’s subjective effects, users may choose to take less MDMA resulting in less toxicity overall❤️‍🩹

🧪MDMA is a synthetic drug with a more powerful mechanism of action in the brain than Shrooms. For this reason, the combination could be more likely to result in MDMA being the predominant sensation, with some alterations caused by Shrooms🌈

Griffin Riggs

Research Lead at TACO Inc.

Undergraduate Health and Human Sciences student

Graduate Drug Development student

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