How Can I Stop an OD? NARCAN
⛑ Narcan, AKA Naloxone, is a nose spray that completely reverses opioid overdose. You can think of it as the antidote for opioids, including Fentanyl. Testing recreational drugs for Fentanyl before use can prevent an OD and the need for Narcan. But as a backup, Narcan can be used to reverse opioid OD👊
🤺Narcan works by fighting opioids like Fentanyl out of the receptors in your brain. Narcan then shields these receptors from any more Fentanyl entering. With the Fentanyl deactivated, normal breathing can resume🌬
👃 To administer Narcan to a possible OD victim, it’s as simple as inserting the nozzle into the victim’s nose and pushing the plunger. Keep a close eye on them over the next 2-3 minutes to see if they begin breathing normally again. If they don’t, give them another dose of Narcan in the opposite nostril. If your Narcan package looks like the one pictured here, each plunger is a single dose. They typically come in 2-pack boxes so you get a backup dose as well 🪠
🚑 If you don’t carry Narcan, first responders including DPS and LAFD can always administer it! If you administer Narcan, always be sure to call 911 right away. If you would like Narcan for free, DM us🚒
👍 Narcan is entirely safe to use, even if mistakenly given to someone who is not experiencing an opioid overdose. If you think someone may be overdosing on opioids, there is no reason to not administer Narcan! 🙂
😵 The most obvious signs of an opioid OD are pinpoint pupils and very slow or no breathing. You may also notice loss of consciousness, choking, and pale, blue, or cold skin in this scenario. Remember that just because someone did not intentionally take opioids - it does not mean other drugs they may have taken were not laced with an opioid like Fentanyl. Drugs commonly laced with Fentanyl include Cocaine, MDMA (Ecstacy), and non-prescription Xanax🔍
💊 Narcan will also reverse overdose from other opioids like heroin, morphine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, and codeine. Even if you have no intention of doing an opioid drug, they may be laced into other substances💉