Does Adderall Impact Lifespan?


Adderall is a prescription stimulant for treatment of ADHD and Narcolepsy. Although prescription adderall use is generally safe, Adderall has some effects that may impact longevity.

You may have heard that “adderall is basically meth,” because both are in the family of drugs known as amphetamines. While chemically they are very similar, the extra methyl group on the meth-amphetamine compound significantly changes the toxic profile.

Adderall usage can alter the process of aging by speeding the loss of dopamine neurons that occurs normally throughout aging. The accelerated loss of these neurons can result in long-term cognitive decline. Loss of dopamine production can result in impaired motivation, memory, goal planning, and attention.

Adderall can also have effects on cardiovascular health by drastically increasing your heart’s workload. Although these effects on their own are not necessarily dangerous, they can intensify underlying cardiac issues which can have severe effects on health across the lifetime.

Decreased appetite is a common side effect of Adderall, regardless of whether the person has ADHD or not. It’s important to still eat a normal amount of calories if using Adderall even if there is no feeling of hunger. Anorexic behavior and malnutrition have a strongly negative impact on longevity. Don’t forget to eat!

Hanna Raskin

Researcher at TACO Inc.

Undergraduate Neuroscience student

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