Is that LSD Pure?


While LSD itself is one of the safest recreational drugs, it is important to test it to ensure what you’re taking is LSD and not a dangerous look-alike. Blotter paper cut into “tabs” is the most common form of LSD, but also the most easily replaced with other hallucinogens that, unlike LSD, may be toxic and can even lead to fatal overdoses.

25i or other hallucinogens in the NBOMe family (25C, 25B) look identical to LSD in blotter paper tab form. Unlike LSD, 25i has a metallic taste and causes numb or tingling sensations in the mouth. It’s also possible to fatally overdose from 25i, which is not possible with LSD. Subjectively, 25i trips may be less pleasant than LSD due to intense auditory hallucinations. Effects of 25i last for 5-10 hours.

DOB is a lab-manufactured version of mescaline, the hallucinogen found in peyote cacti. It causes stronger hallucinogenic effects and is associated with a proportionately higher number of hospital visits compared to LSD.

Elrich’s Reagent can be used to determine whether either of the above drugs are present in “LSD.” True LSD will turn the reagent an orange color on contact, while 25i and DOB will have no reaction and the reagent will remain clear.

How often is LSD really laced? One study conducted on 245 samples of “LSD” submitted for testing at a music festival in Portugal showed about 2 in every 3 samples were pure LSD. However, for the other 1/3 samples, most contained no LSD at all - they were completely replaced with the above drugs.

If you didn’t get your drugs from a pharmacy, always test them for fentanyl with TACO’s test strips. Due to the high potency of fentanyl, just an a few grains of sand worth can be fatal. You can get Fentanyl test strips for free from us or purchase Elrich’s Reagent from one of our partners.

Alina Idrissova

Researcher at TACO Inc.

Undergraduate Biology student

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