Should I Let Cannabis and Cocaine Mix?

Should I Let Them Mix? Cannabis + Cocaine

Some key things to consider before combining Cocaine and Cannabis consumption:

❄️⚡️Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant that makes users feel euphoric, highly energetic, talkative, mentally alert, and hypersensitive to light, sound, and touch. Also known as coke, blow, crack, and ye, the typical recreational dose is 0.05-0.1 gram (50-100 milligrams), and 1.2+ grams are likely fatal. Long-term cocaine use can trigger anxiety and panic attacks. To note, coke is often laced with other toxic substances, like Fentanyl or Methamphetamine. So, it’s a great idea to test your cocaine with fentanyl and meth test strips!🧪

🥦🥬Cannabis, AKA weed, marijuana, or pot, is a plant that contains the psychoactive compounds THC and CBD. In small doses, 1-30 mg, users feel relaxed and “high.” Humans cannot fatally overdose on THC or CBD alone. However, regular cannabis users (particularly those under 25 y/o) are twice as likely to develop psychosis, and heavy users are four times as likely. Long-term use is associated with damage to the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain necessary for goal planning, decision making and complex problem solving🧐

👯🧠Cocaine and cannabis act on different neural pathways in the brain, but they have many similar effects on the body like decreased coordination and increased heart rate. Both cocaine and cannabis are associated with memory loss and attention deficits😵‍💫

⛷🌬So, what happens when you use cocaine and cannabis at the same time? Studies have shown that mixing cocaine and cannabis is associated with greater loss of quick information processing, behavioral control, and sustained attention. Additionally, using cocaine and cannabis together is correlated to significant executive and decision-making problems🤪

🏆🌟Both cocaine and cannabis increase the effects of dopamine in the brain’s reward pathway, which causes feelings of elation and “highness.” Users have reported higher sensitivity to psychedelic and dissociative effects when mixing the two drugs. Keep in mind that cocaine is one of the most addictive substances, and mixing it with cannabis may heighten its effects🥵

Riley Carter

Researcher at TACO Inc.

Undergraduate Computational Neuroscience Student


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