Does Alcohol Shorten Lifespan?

Does Alcohol Shorten Lifespan?

🍺Alcohol works by depressing nervous system function. Effects of drinking can range from little effect in to severely reduced lifespan - depending on how much and how often Alcohol is consumed🤔

👍In moderation, drinking may actually be correlated with slightly increased lifespan! One drink a day - ideally red wine - may have a positive impact on cardiovascular health and social behavior💃

🥊Over a lifetime, excessive alcohol consumption will damage most parts of the body. It causes the body to stay in a state of oxidative stress, which damages vital organs like the brain, heart, and liver 😵

🤪Binge drinking - aka continuing to drink even after your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) has hit 0.08% - puts a user at hightened risk for Alcohol-related problems each time they binge drink. Women are often more susceptible to these negative effects because their BAC increases more per drink compared to a man’s ⚠️

▪️”Blackout” occurs when your BAC reaches 0.16-0.20%. Buying a keychain breathalyzer can help you avoid this and be able to remember the fun you had with your friends!▪️

💀Alcoholism or Alcohol Dependence makes it highly likely that a user will experience multiple types of Alcohol-related health issues, and may die decades earlier than their natural lifespan💀

🤔Alcohol use is a spectrum. In general, users can avoid many of alcohol’s negative effects by drinking in moderation and avoiding mixing alcohol with other drugs or activities requiring accurate motor skills (like driving!)👌

Jack Elliott

Researcher at TACO Inc.

B.S. Computational Neuroscience


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