What Drugs Cause Overdose Most Often?

What Drugs Cause Overdose Most Often?

🍸The majority of overdose deaths are caused by combining different drugs together. The data shows that 90% of deaths from OD involved multiple drugs (reminder that alcohol is a drug) 💊

💉Opioids such as fentanyl, heroin, and morphine are the most dangerous class of drugs. An overdose on these drugs results in pinpoint pupils and slow to no breathing - which results in death💀

❄️Fatal overdose from fentanyl is rising. The rate of drug overdose deaths involving fentanyl doubled each year between 2013 and 2016! Check out our test strip highlight for how to get FREE Fentanyl Test Strips to beat laced drugs and avoid accidental opioid overdose😎

⛷Cocaine is consistently ranked the most deadly stimulant. It causes more deaths than any other non-analgesic (non-painkiller)☠️

⬆️↗️ In 2020 there were 128% more drug overdoses than in 2011. The majority of overdose deaths are accidental and preventable. Harm reduction methods such as testing drugs are very important for preventing overdose. TACO has FREE life-saving fentanyl test strips that take 3min to use🧪

🚑If you think someone may have overdosed, always call for help! It could save their life! Call 911 and state “I am witnessing a medical emergency” to get paramedics and avoid police involvement. Even if you have been using illicit drugs, Good Samaritan Law protects you from prosecution😍

Jack Elliott

Researcher at TACO Inc.

B.S. Computational Neuroscience


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