What are Whip-Its?

What Even Are Whip-Its?

🤣Whippets, or “laughing gas,” are Nitrous Oxide. Often, dentists use a 50% concentration of this gas to relieve pain during short procedures like wisdom tooth removal. Nitrous Oxide is also present inside the chambers of whipped cream canisters🦷

👃Since Whip-Its take effect by being breathed in, this drug is classified as an inhalant. The gas is colorless and tasteless, but has a slightly sweet odor. Because they act similarly to Opioids, Whip-Its can be addictive😬

📈After inhaling Nitrous Oxide, heart rate is increased, and limbs may tingle. Users may experience hallucinations in addition to losing coordination and awareness, which can contribute to injury🤕

⚠️⚠️Although nitrous oxide can be safe when proper concentrations are used by dentists, it can also be fatal when inhaled in large quantities. Recreational doses are more potent than what dentists use, and prevent Oxygen intake during use. Never go more than one minute without breathing real air⚠️⚠️

💀In some circumstances, Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome (SSDS) can occur. Within only a few minutes, inhalant use completely deprives the body of oxygen, causing the heart to stop. First responders are rarely able to restart the heartbeat of SSDS victims. This may even occur for a user’s first experience with whippets if used in excess❤️

⏰After use, Whip-Its can have lasting effects on the body. Those who frequently use Whip-Its in large amounts are likely to develop a Vitamin B12 deficiency. Frequent whippets users should strongly consider taking Vitamin B12 supplements for the health of their brain and nervous system💊

🧠A lack of Vitamin B12 in the body causes severe tissue damage in the brain and peripheral nerves. As a result, users may experience arm or leg weakness, depression, fatigue, or impaired memory. In certain cases, the brain damage from severe Vitamin B12 depletion can result in death💀


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