Who Does Overdose Impact Most?

Who Does Overdose Impact Most?

👱‍♂️Men overdose twice as often as women. Males are generally more likely to smoke and use illicit drugs recreationally, whereas women are more likely to use and misuse prescription drugs. Additionally, males are more likely to engage in activities that increase mortality risk such as taking greater amounts of drugs, using more dangerous drugs, and getting drugs from riskier sources🤦‍♂️

☠️ODs occur most frequently in younger people under the age of 35. However, opioid deaths are most common in people aged 45-54👩👨

🙋🏻‍♂️In the United States, the highest death rate due to drug overdose appears in non-hispanic white people. The second highest death rate appears in black people and the third highest appears in hispanic people🆘❗️

🏙The highest percentage of ODs occurs in urban populations. The second highest occurs in rural areas, the third highest in suburban, and the fourth highest in small towns settings🌇🏞

🛣In the United States, the areas that are the most impacted by overdose per capita are the midwest and the northeast. The states with the highest number of OD deaths annually are California, Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York💊💀


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